Autodesk Training
January 14, 2023 2024-08-20 15:59Autodesk Training
About the Training
An online training solution for Autodesk manufacturing and design products, including AutoCAD, AutoCAD Electrical, AutoCAD Mechanical, Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk Revit and more. Each course includes video lessons to demonstrate features, Try It’s to walk users through processes, and challenging projects to apply what you have learned. After each course, take an assessment to see how much knowledge you have retained. See a list of included topics below.
Learning Experience
Self-Paced Learning
Learn by Doing with Try-Its
Downloadable Practice Files
Technical Screencasts
Certificate Assessments
Autodesk Certified Instructors
Learning Experience
Self-Paced Learning
Learn by Doing with Try-Its
Downloadable Practice Files
Technical Screencasts
Certificate Assessments
Autodesk Certified Instructors
Course Topics
Transition from an early version of AutoCAD.
Video lessons on the changes.
Essentials for Users
Great for beginners or novices looking to ramp up their skills.
40-hours complete with lessons, try-its and quizzes.
2D Parametric Design
2D parametric design and 2D constraint-based dynamic blocks and additional enhancements.
4-hours duration.
Intermediate Topics
Increase productivity in AutoCAD.
Lots of process-based examples.
Blocks, Attributes and Dynamic Blocks
Increase productivity when creating blocks.
4-hours of process-based instruction.
Creating Reusable Content
Increase productivity with Design Center and Tool Palletes.
Familiarize with Action Macros and External Resources.
12-hours of process-based instruction.
Autodesk Inventor
Transition from an earlier version of Inventor.
Video lessons to dive into changes.
Autodesk Inventor
Great for begginers or novices looking to ramp up their skills.
40-hours complete with lessons, try-its and quizzes.
Autodesk Inventor
Sheet Metal Design
Learn to create and document sheet metal parts inside of Autodesk Inventor.
16-hours of training lessons.
Autodesk Inventor
Transition from an earlier version of Inventor.
Video lessons to dive into changes.
Autodesk Inventor
Frame Generator
Great for begginers or novices looking to ramp up their skills.
40-hours complete with lessons, try-its and quizzes.
Autodesk Inventor
Cable and Harness
Learn to create and document sheet metal parts inside of Autodesk Inventor.
16-hours of training lessons.
Autodesk Inventor
Tube and Pipe Design
Transition from an earlier version of Inventor.
Video lessons to dive into changes.
Autodesk Inventor
Inventor iLogic
Great for begginers or novices looking to ramp up their skills.
40-hours complete with lessons, try-its and quizzes.
Autodesk Inventor
Learn to create and document sheet metal parts inside of Autodesk Inventor.
16-hours of training lessons.
Autodesk Revit
Great for new users or users transitioning to Revit.
Video lessons and Try Its.
AutoCAD Electrical
Great for new users to AutoCAD Electrical.
16-hours complete with lessons, try-its and projects.
AutoCAD Electrical
Productivity Tools
Learn to be more productive in AutoCAD Electrical.
Settings, Configurations, Custom Components and Data, and PLC Modules.
16-hours of training lessons.