Dimensioning Tips To Move/Copy Body in SolidWorks

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Dimensioning Tips To Move/Copy Body in SolidWorks

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, understanding how to manipulate bodies efficiently and accurately is crucial for creating complex models and assemblies. We will dive into step-by-step instructions and expert tips to help you master the art of how to move and copy body in SolidWorks. Get ready to elevate your design game and optimize your workflow with these valuable insights. If you want to elevate your SolidWorks skills further then sign up for our SolidWorks courses and training.

Please follow below steps or refer to video to learn how to move/copy body in SolidWorks:

Step 1

When you use the Move/Copy Body command, you can control the Translate and Rotate values using equations.

Step 2

Under Rotate, you can select Euler method of angular dimensions and specify values for Yaw (side-to-side), Pitch (up-down), and Roll (twist).

This method will produce the same rotation regardless of the order in which you specify these values.

how to copy and move body parts in solidwork

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